Fluffy's Pet Resort Policies:
1. Temperament: All dogs must be non-aggressive and complete a temperament evaluation to determine compatibility for either group play or private play. FPR reserves the right to refuse any dog that might be a safety hazard to itself, other dogs in our care, or staff members. This includes but is not limited to, dogs who are aggressive, anti-social, overly anxious, destructible, or physically ill. We will accept non-spayed females on a trial basis, but no females in heat are permitted. All male pets must be neutered. Well behaved Bully Breeds that have passed evaluation may be allowed for Doggy Daycare under strict supervision.
2. Age: After 7 months of age dogs must be neutered/spayed in order to join doggy daycare.
3. Vaccinations: All dogs must have current vaccinations including Rabies (annual), Bordatella (every 6 months) Distemper-Parvo (annual). All dogs must be at least 8 weeks (2 months) of age and have their Parvo (DHP) and Bordatella vaccines.
Cat Vaccinations required: FVRCP (Feline Distemper Parvo combination), Rabies , Leukemia (If your cat ever goes outside or has ever been outside... must have; this is a communicable disease)
You may bring a printed hard copy which will remain in our file or you may email a copy to info@fluffyspetresort.com prior to the arrival date. It is your responsibility to make sure the records you provide remain up to date for future visits.
4. Flea/Tick Protection: It is recommended that you use a monthly flea prevention protocol such a Frontline or Advantage. Pets with fleas will be barred from the facility until the problem has been successfully addressed. We can provide a flea treatment bath for an additional $5 on top of the basic bath rates. If we find any fleas or ticks there will be a $5 charge on top of the basic bath pricing per pet for us to provide treatment. We recommend a flea bath prior to your pet staying with us.
5. Heartworm: Because your dog will be mixing with others, it is a good idea to have your dog on veterinarian approved heartworm preventative. We highly recommend annual heartworm tests with your veterinarian and a monthly heartworm prevention.
6. Collars, Leashes: All dogs must be on a leash when entering and exiting the premises. For pet's safety collars will be removed and can be stored for you.
7. Food : All food brought to FPR must be pre-measured into individual servings, stored in small plastic containers or baggies labeled with the dog’s first and last name, date and designated for a.m. or p.m. feeding. FPR can provide dry pet food for no additional charge or wet food at an additional charge of $2 each can of wet dog food, $1 each can of wet cat food. We recommend bringing your pet's own food in order to avoid any upset stomach.
8.Overnight Boarding/Daycare drop-off and pick-up times and after hours fees: Drop-off anytime during our Lobby hours. Boarding Checkout time is by 1pm on scheduled check-out day. Check-outs after 1pm will incur a $3 an hour charge for each pet up until closing time. This includes doggy daycare (if applicable) outdoor potty breaks and meals. Pets not picked up by our Lobby's closing time will be considered an overnight guest and charged the standard overnight boarding rates.
9. Health : All pets must be in good health. All clients will need to certify that their dog(s) are in good health and have been free from any condition that could potentially jeopardize other canine guests. Dogs that have been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days will require written veterinary certification of health to be admitted or readmitted. If, at any time during our care, it becomes evident that your pet is ill, you’ll be notified and expected to pick up your dog immediately.
Injections: Fluffy's does not accept pets that require injections. We recommend boarding with a vet.
10. Bedding & Toys: Fluffy's provides cots, blankets (upon request), pet food, and dog toys. We also welcome your pet's belongings, i.e. toys, blankets, etc however Fluffy's will not be responsible for personal items that are damaged or lost during your pet's stay. Please label all items with your pet's name. Please only bring machine washable bedding. We can also provide bedding, however, please be advised that if your dog(s) chews/destroys the bedding, you will be charged a replacement fee for the bedding. Please no personal toys for Slumber Party boarding.
11. Payment: All daycare dues and fees are payable at check-in. Fees for hotel guests are due at check-out, unless other arrangements have been approved. Cash, Visa/MC, American Express, and Discover are accepted. Sorry NO CHECKS ARE ACCEPTED.
12. Long Term Stays: Owners of all guests staying at our facility for more than 14 nights will be required to complete a credit card authorization form and make a payment equal to 7 nights from that card at time of drop off. After 14 nights the remaining balance will be charged to the card on file. Thereafter, the balance will be charged after every 7 nights until time of checkout.
13 .Boarding Cancellation Policy: All reservations require a deposit of 25% of the reservation stay which is nonrefundable unless cancellation is requested at least 24 hours in advance. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be invoiced at 25% of the reservation costs.
14. Overdue Check-outs: Pets not picked up after check-out date: If a pet is not picked up within 3 calendar days after they were due to depart and we are unable to contact the owner, they will be deemed to be abandoned which is considered illegal under Texas law and is considered a class A Misdemeanor with up to a $4,000 fine and up to 1 year in jail. FPR will surrender the pets to the Humane Society and invoice the owner for the unpaid bill. Failure to pay will result in legal action and owner(s) will be reported to the local authorities.
Fluffy's Pet Resort (FPR) Agreement:
Fluffy's Pet Resort LLC, its owners, employees, representatives or any other person(s) affiliated with the company shall hereinafter be referred to as FPR. By signing this form, you agree not to hold FPR liable or sue for any injuries to and/or death of your dog(s) while on the premises for recreation, boarding, training and/or in the care of FPR.
Although FPR screens all dogs for temperament, does not take aggressive dogs and watches dogs carefully and provides a healthy and safe environment for your dog, FPR cannot guarantee the behavior of any dog and consequently, cannot guarantee that your dog will not be exposed to the risk of injury or death for reasons including, but not limited to aggressive behavior by other dogs. I understand that when dogs play together, there is an inherent risk of injury or death. By submitting this form, I agree that I will not hold FPR responsible for injuries to my dog(s) and / or death that may occur in and out of the facility or during indoor or outdoor recreational play.
I also understand that the epoxy floor and dog furniture may cause blisters, abrasions or scrapes to appear on the pads of my dog(s) feet. Also, some dogs pads may be sensitive to the cleaning disinfectant used throughout the facility. If the staff of FPR notices my dog(s) limping, favoring or licking a paw, they will make a reasonable attempt to reduce activity levels, but are not liable or responsible for such injuries. Furthermore I understand that abrasions, nicks, scratches or mucous found on my dog after daycare or boarding would be a normal consequence of play and interacting with other dogs and will not hold FPR liable for such wounds or injuries.
If, in my absence, my dog should become ill or injured, or need veterinary care, FPR has my permission to consult with my veterinarian and I realize FPR will make a reasonable effort to bring my dog to my veterinarian or emergency animal clinic. I understand that I am responsible for all veterinary costs, including the transportation of my pet to and from the veterinarian and /or clinic.
I understand and agree that my dog(s) needs to be brought in and out of the facility on leash. FPR makes every effort to ensure the safety of all the dogs on premises and if my dog should get loose or lost outside, I will not hold FPR responsible. I understand and agree that while at FPR, my dog(s) will be routinely asked to "come" , "sit", "stay", "off" and informally exposed to toys, dog fungility equipment, and balls. FPR also employs the use of treats, redirection, brief on-lead time and /or time outs to get compliance from dogs and curb unwanted behavior such as barking, mounting or overly rambunctious behavior.
I hereby declare that my dog(s) is not known to be aggressive toward other dogs or people. If my dog is aggressive while at FPR, I agree to pay all medical bills associated with the incident including those related to injuries to my dog, injuries to other dogs resulting from the incident, and injuries to people or equipment related to the incident.
I hereby declare that my animal has not been exposed to any communicable diseases within the last 30 days and is fully vaccinated in accordance with FPR policy. If I choose to leave items with FPR,(IE: a bed or blanket) I will properly identify them in writing (or via an ID tag). FPR may use permanent marker or other non-removable methods to ID my belongings. I understand that FPR cannot be held responsible for lost, dirty, damaged or destroyed belongings left at the facility.
By booking daycare or overnight boarding for your pet you are acknowledging and agreeing to the terms put forth here by Fluffy's Pet Resort.
Thank you for choosing Fluffy's Pet Resort!
Or take me to Fluffy's to play!